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Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
Agenda Communication - Workshops - Overview
Agenda Communication - Workshops - Business Writing Skills
Agenda Communication - Workshops - Plain English Skills
Agenda Communication - Workshops - English Grammar Basics
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Language and Literacy Series
Agenda Communication - Workshops - PowerPoint Alive!
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Agenda Communication - Workshops - Report Writing Skills
Agenda Communication - Workshops - Submission Writing Skills
Agenda Communication - Workshops - ACSF
Grammar Mythbusters Series
Language and Literacy Series
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Agenda Communication - Professional Services
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Agenda Communication - Workshops - Teach Me Grammar

Geoff Pearson


Agenda Communication has a long tradition of developing innovative workplace communication skills training and Professional Development resources. 

These have been linked to national Training Packages in the following industries:


The Professional Development resources have focussed on improving non-literacy-specialist trainers' ability to deal with their trainees' literacy issues, and on submission writing skills.  The resources list below are the most recent of these.

Resource Development

 Resource Development Projects

Re-Entry Link Life Skills Program Resource  A State-funded resource of more than 100 activity sheets set out in 8 Modules designed to help prisoners develop basic life-skills prior to re-ntering the community. © 2011 WA Department of Corrective Services.

The Grammar Disc - Pah!  A federally-funded WELL resource project to develop a unique, DVD-based interactive English language teaching and learning resource for Deaf adults in the workplace. (co-produced with WestOne Services and WA Deaf Society). © 2009 Commonwealth of Australia. Further details available at

A Question of Literacy An Adult Literacy National Project (Innovative Project) to develop a CD-based Professional Development Resource to raise awareness of literacy and literacy issues amongst Security Industry RTOs and Trainers (Co-produced with Rebecca Saunders) © Commonwealth of Australia 2008.

LMT00 Training Materials  Federally-funded WELL resource project to develop Learners’ Guides and Assessment Tasks for 24 Units of Competence for the Certificates I and II in Textile Fabrication (in collaboration with TexSkill Limited, Victoria)© Commonwealth of Australia 2006

Submission Writing A Guide (2nd Ed.)  A revised version of the 2000 Plain English guide to writing submissions for government funding. © VET Teaching and Learning Section, WA Department of Training, Perth, Western Australia 2005

Reading the Ground A project to produce language support materials for a training video for underground metalliferous miners (in conjunction with the Australian Centre of Geomechanics at UWA) © ACG 2005

Unearthing Black Gold  A project to produce language support materials for a training video for open pit coalminers (in conjunction with the Australian Centre of Geomechanics at UWA) © ACG 2004

Down To Earth A project to produce language support materials for a training video for open pit miners (in conjunction with the Australian Centre of Geomechanics at UWA) © ACG 2002




Teach Me Grammar Re-Zooms!  Click below for more details