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Agenda Communication - Workshops - Cryptic Crosswords
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Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
Agenda Communication - Workshops - SMART Goal-Setting
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About this workshop

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This workshop is scheduled on an as-required basis



Contact us for booking details.

Registered Training Organisation


This is a half-day, fun session with a more serious purpose - the promotion of mental wellbeing.  Researchers have linked the passtime of solving cryptic crosswords to the staving off of mental decline (Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia).

More challenging (and of much more benefit) than ordinary crosswords, the cryptic crossword simply baffles many, and keeps them away from the readily available mental workout healthy brains need.

The workshop takes a hands-on, fun approach that dispels the cryptic crossword's "impenetrable mystery" and leaves participants with the know-how to tackle these crafty beasties!

It covers:


With fewer hands-on activities, this session can also be run as a 1-2 hour fun fixture at conferences and PD Days.

I'm Sorry, I Haven't a Clue

The Healthy Art of Solving Cryptic Crossword Puzzles